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We aim to offer an exciting, varied calendar of events that will build over time. These will be publicised through this website and our social media. We would be happy to hear from any people or organisations that would be interested in talking to us about events for the park. Please email with your details.
We have a stallholders event information leaflet which you can download here.

If you wish to book a stall at one of our published events, please download
a booking form here.

Please scroll to the bottom of this page to see our events calendar.

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From April to October, on most Sundays, you can see our friends from
Fenland Working Newfoundlands training at Brickyard Lake.

Fenland Working Newfoundlands is a group of people who meet on a regular basis to enjoy activities with their dogs. These activities include water rescue training, and draught work (carting) which they train for over the year.

You are welcome to come along and watch these wonderful dogs in action, we would simply ask that, if you bring your own dogs, please ensure they are under control whilst in/around the area in which the Newfoundland's are training.

Bawsey Country Park offers the potential for a fantastic wedding venue, and we are pleased to be associated with Rachael Jean Humanist Ceremonies. 

Rachael Jean is an accredited Humanist Celebrant, offering non-religious ceremonies specifically tailored for you.

For more details, please visit her website at 

Rachael Jean Humanist Ceremonies.

If you are interested in discussing the use of Bawsey Country Park as a venue for your special day, please email

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